It’s clearly time for me to leave neutral in the dust. The recent crossroad see ahead in the headlights is now a green light on the horizon. I will repack my “Been there done that” experiences and use them as supportive success stories to help ground my future. Is this just full circle once again? It’s sounding like a version of my last New Year’s resolution of “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water” and it still rings true. I can call it repetition but it’s really reassurance that I haven’t wandered too far from my path. It’s not the first time I’ve felt lost. At least I’m moving forward.
This time last year I was intentionally closing the door on designing websites for artists and allowing myself to plunge into my my own art— a part of me I felt like I had left far behind. I painted. I drew. I experienced and created far beyond what I could have imagined. Actually, I wasn’t even trying to imagine any sort of out come. Just Art For Art’s Sake. That would be enough for me. But, I was unexpectedly exposed to exposure. There was a spotlight on me and my darkness was unavailable. I participated. I was rejected. I was accepted. I learned and I grew. These past events contain the leftover lessons I am now packing into my new journey. Once again I’m not clear where I am going but I know it’s time and I’m not lost—I’ve just been working in the back room. My current theme for the road is “Start taking advantage of yourself“ and I like the way it sounds. I have a huge stash of hidden treasures.