One of my Little-perks from my coffee painting dialog is “If you can draw a stick figure- you can draw a tree.” Painting with coffee is an excellent way to break down inhibitions — blocks.
CyberPencil.com It is still a website for artists. I haven’t given up even though I’ve been tempted for so long.
It’s not WordPress, it’s not Squarespace and it’s not even Dreamweaver. I’m using Adobe Muse.
Perhaps this will finally be what all of my testing has come to be. My first website specifically created for artists has been launched. I like how hearing launched makes me feel like this has kind of been rocket science. That helps me rationalize all of the time I have spent spinning my wheels while I trying to figure things out or—jut to try not give up entirely. I want to pause and acknowledge myself for staying with this challenge for so long. Yes! This obsession has been fueled by an ongoing desire to create websites or web-presence for creative people. It still needs more clarity about seeing all creative people as artists – even if they don’t know it (Yet) about themselves.
My primary focus is Art and I believe the Internet is a One-of-a-Kind place for exposure. My deepest belief is in the artistic abundance that is within all of us. It can be released and and expressed. I want to bring this out.
The tag-line for my website is Website Design for Creative People just like you. I’m not saying everyone needs a website but I do want to draw more creativity out of people.
Working with people in my coffee painting workshops proved to me that his can be done and enjoyed. The hardest part is the first step – just staring with something, anything, and accepting that it might not be what you want to first see. But, that’s when you begin to move it and get involved. It will become more.
Rattle your cage — get you out of your box. Start with something simple. Doodle. Make mistakes. You can even erase if you want to.