Shifting into first gear…

It’s clearly time for me to leave neutral in the dust. The recent crossroad see ahead in the headlights is now a green light on the horizon. I will repack my “Been there done that” experiences and use them as supportive success stories to help ground my future. Is this just full circle once again? It’s sounding like a version of my last New Year’s resolution of “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water” and it still rings true. I can call it repetition but it’s really reassurance that I haven’t wandered too far from my path. It’s not the first time I’ve felt lost. At least I’m moving forward.


2015 Unity In Marin Gala: The Roaring Twenties with a silent auction. Last year I donated a painting. This year I am donating a Coffee Painting workshop.

This time last year I was intentionally closing the door on designing websites for artists and allowing myself to plunge into my  my own art— a part of me I felt like I had left far behind. I painted. I drew. I experienced and created far beyond what I could have imagined. Actually,  I wasn’t even trying  to imagine any sort of out come. Just Art For Art’s Sake. That would be enough for me. But, I was unexpectedly exposed to exposure. There was a spotlight on me and my darkness was unavailable. I participated. I was rejected. I was accepted. I learned and I grew. These past events contain the leftover lessons I am now packing into my new journey. Once again I’m not clear where I am going but I know it’s time and I’m not lost—I’ve just been working in the back room.  My current theme for the road is Start taking advantage of yourself and I like the way it sounds. I have a huge stash of hidden treasures.

The winner is Squarespace

I think one of the key strengths of Squarespace is the customer support provided. At this point I have spent a lot of time comparing Squarespace and At my low point I gave up on both of them and just figured I’d never design websites again. But, I couldn’t leave it alone because there is such a need for custom websites to be designed for artists. Artists need to showcase their work on a website that actually reflects their creativity. If they want to be involved in the design and ongoing maintenance Squarespace is affordable and user friendly.  I’m on the finishing touches of my first Squarespace  website. The Art of Coffee.

The links below are to websites I have designed with various platforms

I’ll just call Squarespace Door #3 for now and get back to my hands-on art.

Blogging for Art – Unplugged

Ok, I’m back! My art block gave me an overview of what I still want to do.  Back to the Drawing board and realizing I don’t have to re-create the wheel. I still want to continue most of the things I that have already launched. They just need some revision. This is good news!. Plus, I need to follow up on my attitude adjustment.

Joshua Tree watercolor

Joshua Tree watercolor

It’s clear to me now that I want to continue website design and development for artists. I’m getting more comfortable with Squarespace but also see its limitations. I guess it’s a case of Good News and Bad news. It’s going to be Squarespace vs WordPress for awhile and I may find that I will need them both.

This blog/website is created with WordPress.  I want to give it some new energy and see what, if anything, happens. Since the beginning I have been comfortable knowing few people ever look at it. That safety has allowed time for lots of experimenting and learning. Now I want visitors and I want it to be interactive.

    First Steps to improve my blog
  • Add original artwork
  • Prioritize basic blog categories
  • Set up Links

The section most visited is Watercolor Painting and I am going to add new paintings to that page.